Le 10/07/2024
written by Laura P
Protect yourself from the heat with car film
Install solar film to protect against the heat
Summer is just around the corner, and so is the heat associated with it. And the heat is also invading your car. There's a solution: solar film for cars! Find out everything you need to know about solar film kits in this article.
What is sun protection film for cars and how do I choose it?
Solar film for cars is tinted glass. Some vehicles come with tinted glass as standard, while others will need to add tinted glass at a later date.
When choosing solar film, there are several parameters to consider, depending on the problem you wish to solve. These revolve mainly around the tint of the solar film.
It goes without saying that the darker the tint of the solar film, the less light and therefore heat it will let through. For this reason, four families of tints are available from Variance AutoThese are :
- The very dark black solar film has a light transmission of 5%. This solar film provides 94%glare reduction and 64% heat rejection. What's more, it provides privacy thanks to its anti-glare effect;
- The dark-black solar film transmits 19% of light, while reducingglare and glare by 75%. Heat is rejected by 54%;
- Black solar film lets in 25% of light , while reducingglare by 75%. In terms ofsolar energy rejection, this film rejects 51%;
- Light-black tinted film lets through the most light(36%). As a result, it's the ideal solution to combat distant glare. It is 65% effective againstglare and 44% effective against heat rejection.
Solar energy is directly linked to UV rays. As you know, UV rays are harmful to your health and can cause numerous illnesses. So installing a solar film kit on your car windows protects you from UV damage. By choosing a darker solar film for your car, you increase the reduction of both UV rays and heat in your passenger compartment.
Nevertheless, don't lose sight of the fact that installing a solar car kit is a regulated practice.
What are the regulations governing solar film for cars?
There's no law preventing you from affixing a solar car film kit to your vehicle's windows. However, this practice remains regulated by Decree 2016-448. This stipulates the following points:
- Rear windows must provide good visibility, not only for yourself, but also for other road users, be they your passengers or other motorists. Sun protection film can therefore be darker on the rear windows of your vehicle;
- Front windows must transmit at least 70% of visible light;
- Under no circumstances should the windshield be fitted with a sun protection film.
This legislation applies to all vehicles, with the exception of medical vehicles and those carrying UV-sensitive substances.
Failure to comply with these regulations can result in a fixed fine of €135 and the loss of 3 points on your license. However, with a solar car film kit from Variance Auto, you can be sure of complying with the law.

Why choose solar film for cars from Variance Auto ?
As mentioned above, when you choose Variance Auto solar film, you're choosing safety. But that's not all! Our solar film kits have other advantages too.
Solar film made in France
Our workshops are located in France, in theAin department, and our pre-cutting and thermoforming experts are fully qualified. This makes our solar car film kits durable, quality films.
Pre-cut and made-to-measure solar film
Variance Auto is a pre-cut solar film for cars. This means it's made to measure by being pre-cut on the same make and range of car as yours. In fact, our workshop has many vehicle "patterns". Yours is bound to be there.
Thermoformed solar film
In addition to being pre-cut and made-to-measure, Variance Auto solar film for cars combines the thermoforming technique. This involves heating the solar film to make it more flexible and malleable to the shapes and contours of your car. As a result, installation of the solar film kit is simplified.
Easy-to-install solar film
That's probably the part you're most responsible for. But don't worry! With a solar film kit for car Variance Auto, installation is a breeze. Thanks to pre-cutting and custom thermoforming, the solar film adapts perfectly to the shape and curves of your car. When installing solar film, you need to take care to follow the advice given. These range from window cleaning to finishing.
To make it as easy as possible for you to install your solar film kit, we also offer a number of tutorial videos on YouTube. These range from solar film installation to film removal and cleaning.
Installation instructions
Now you know all about solar film for cars. Before the hot weather arrives, get ahead of the game by purchasing a pre-cut solar film kit.