Le 10/01/2024
written by Alice O.
How to install a wrapping on a bumper?
Discover our tips for successfully installing wrapping on a bumper.
Are you the proud owner of a wrapping car, but don't really know how to apply it to your bumper?
With this step-by-step video installation tutorial, discover our tips and tricks for wrapping bumper installation!
Our tips for successful bumper installation wrapping
Check installation conditions
- Apply in an environment between +15°C and +25°C.
- Protect your vehicle from the elements (dirt, wind, dust).
- To ensure that the bodywork is at the right temperature, we recommend bringing the vehicle in the day before.

Clean your vehicle thoroughly before installation
As with any part of the car, the surface to be bonded must be perfectly clean and degreased. To remove all traces of impurities, use :
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Soft cloth
- Sprayer
- Soap solution + clear water

Don't forget to clean the edges, as some dust can get lodged there.
Install the cutting wire on the edges of the bumper
Be sure to install the cutting wire close to the edge of the bumper, so that the bumper is completely bonded once the wire is removed.
You can choose either a thin or a thick cutting wire.

Remember to leave a few centimetres of excess on each side, so that the film can be pulled off easily at the end of the installation.
Apply your wrapping to the bodywork
- Place wrapping in the right place, and hold it in place with tape orbody magnets. This will help you when applying the film.
- Take one side, and remove the protective liner over the first 15 centimetres.
- Cut off a piece of liner you've just peeled off: you'll have more room and ease to apply your adhesive film.
- Using your hand, apply the adhesive to the bodywork. Pull lightly on the film to avoid wrinkles. Press firmly and insist on the curves. In nooks and crannies, don't hesitate to mark the crease so that the adhesive adheres well to the bodywork.
- Once the first 15 cm have been applied, you can remove the rest of the protective liner and repeat the application process on the bodywork.

Be patient and meticulous, to avoid creases. 😉 If the wrapping is misplaced, peel it off immediately and place it correctly.
Heat your film wrapping to adapt to curves
Heat your film with a heat gun to soften it. This will give it the shape of its substrate, and it will hold better over time. You can insist on the relief with a thermal glove. The result will be stunning!

Use small circular movements to spread the heat evenly. This will also prevent the film from overheating.
If necessary, cut wrapping to reveal the radars and cameras.
Use a cutter with a new or like-new blade to make the finishing cuts. You can use tape to guide your blade (as in the video). Be careful not to scratch the bodywork!

Remove the cutting wire and remove the excess wrapping
Gently pull on the excess cutting wire left at the beginning of the installation. As you pull, you'll see your wrapping cut right at the wire. Finally, peel off the excess wrapping to leave only your bumper.

Leave your wrapping for a few hours before enjoying it!
Our wrapping films are immediately adhesive, but take a few hours to achieve optimum adhesion. We recommend that you allow a day or night to pass before enjoying your vehicle 😉